[cs_content][cs_element_section _id=»1″ ][cs_element_layout_row _id=»2″ ][cs_element_layout_column _id=»3″ ][cs_element_headline _id=»4″ ][cs_content_seo]Granary and Cross Square \n\n[/cs_content_seo][/cs_element_layout_column][/cs_element_layout_row][/cs_element_section][cs_element_section _id=»5″ ][cs_element_layout_row _id=»6″ ][cs_element_layout_column _id=»7″ ][cs_element_audio _id=»8″ ][cs_element_text _id=»9″ ][cs_content_seo]As the population of this parish increased, this square square was incorporated into the main axis on one side, along which the Royal road of Andalusia (today Real Street) ran. In this large space for public life, the deposit of grains was established, of which there is still a plaque on the side with an inscription indicating the date 1793 as the date of its construction and commissioning. When it lost its status as a parish and the town was added to La Carolina, the granary would gradually cease to be used and would be converted into dwellings.\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_raw_content _id=»10″ ][cs_content_seo][cmloc-location-map id=2898]\n\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_the_grid name=»Rutas» _bp_base=»4_4″][/cs_element_layout_column][/cs_element_layout_row][/cs_element_section][cs_element_section _id=»12″ ][/cs_element_section][/cs_content]